Do the Native Americans Still Live in Tipis?

Whether you spell it Tipi or Teepee, the answer is no. Native Americans live in modern housing just like the rest of the modern world does. It’s not like we’re all still living in thatched roof cottages either, so why would they live in tipis? Much the same way Hollywood paints a tan overtone to […]

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Why Do Recycle Establishments Give Two Dollar Bills for Change?

They do this because the novelty of the two-dollar bill is supposed to remind the holder of their establishment and, hopefully, return to give them more business. Recycling places are not the only ones to do it, but it’s much more common to visit a recycling establishment than some of the others who also give […]

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Why Do Montanans Hate Californians so Much?

The answer to why Montanans don’t want Californians to move into their state can be summed up into three main reasons: Californian home buyers driving up home prices, bringing California politics, or just a simple culture clash. You’d think that some of these are relatively new, but no. These reasons have been around since at […]

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Why did Eminem Write Stan?

In a nutshell, Eminem took inspiration from his real-life experience of becoming a star to write Stan. One thing is for sure; Eminem did not write Stan because he wanted to make something that would eventually become a meme, a new slang term, or even a new word accepted into the Merriam-Webster dictionary. Those all […]

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Why is Florida So Crazy?

By all means, let’s have a Californian make an article about why Floridians are so crazy. At the risk of being the pot that calls the kettle crazy, I’ll attempt a short answer. Florida is super crazy because there is high diversity, high population, and it’s not very big geographically speaking. Simply put, we’ve packed […]

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Has Anyone Tried to Be Batman in Real Life?

There have been more than a few people donning a garbage bag that go around the city claiming to be Batman, and even some that have done good things for the community in which they reside. But if we’re talking about staying true to the story of Batman from the comics, and not just someone […]

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What is meta humor?

Meta humor is a type of humor that is self-referential. Not to be confused with self-deprecating humor, meta humor can include different styles such as a joke that makes fun of a joke template, a joke about jokes, or even a fourth wall breaking joke. You might have heard somebody say that something is “so […]

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Is meditation a sin?

Seeing as how it is such a benefit to people’s lives, is meditation a sin? Meditation has a lot of benefits for both a healthy mind and body with some forms of meditation including spirituality and others just being the act of clearing one’s mind of thought and emotion. Sin is a concept which is […]

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Why does TikTok ruin songs?

TikTok ruins songs, but it also doesn’t. The popular short video sharing app has the option to include “sounds” with the video. These often take the form of a song or piece of music. This not only has the effect of overplaying a song, but it also has the potential to slingshot an otherwise overlooked […]

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Are Aztecs considered Native American?

Yes, Aztecs are considered Native American for two reasons. First, because they lived in the American continent. Second, because they inhabited the land before colonization by Europeans. Part of the curiosity of this question stems from whether we’re talking about the America the continent or the United States. What do you mean by America? A […]

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